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MIMP-BP sand furnace


MIMP-BP multi-purpose furnaces with fine heat carrier (sand furnaces) for thermal pretreatment of the samples, and for laboratory analyzis by placing the processed samples onto open heat carrier surface.

Heating area of the furnace is made as rectangular tray with two thermoelectic heaters. The tray is filled up with fine heat carrier (siliceous sand) so that its level is 15-20 mm higher that heaters' level. Working area is formed by upper layer (10-15 mm) of heat carrier.



Power supply voltage, V220
Power consumption, W1500
Maximum working temperature, °C300
Working area (WхDхH), mm510x250
Dimensions (WхDхH), mm 610x280x160
Weight, kg7


Key features 

  • Easy-to-use power adjustment.
  • High uniformity of heat carrier temperature.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Small size and light weight.
  • High quality, reliability and durability.
  • Custom design according to customer's requirements.


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